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I really enjoy hearing from you and I get so many kind and encouraging e-mails. The reason for this FAQ is not to discourage anyone from contacting me, but simply to provide quick answers to the most common questions. Please note that my new e-mail address is:
I get so much spam, so in order to minimize it, I have decided to go for this method (an image with my e-mail adress instead of a mailto: URL).

Q: I would like to have a link to your site on my homepage. Is that OK?
A: Yes, as long as you don't have any questionable content on your site, such as promoting drugs, violence and porn. If you'd like to use my banner, here below are two gifs that you may use. Please save the images to your own hard drive. Do not make links to these images, as it will slow down the loading of this page for other visitors.

(200x34 pixels, approx. 5 KB)

(249x43 pixels, approx. 6 KB)

Q: Do you have the lyrics to (this or that) song?
A: I don't have lyrics on my pages and I don't plan to include any in the future. Nor do I have any lyrics to send via e-mail.
You can find lyrics sites via search engines like Alta Vista and Yahoo.
Here are a few that I've found:
LyricsWorld (lyrics search engine)
Leonie's lyrics page.

Q: Can I use one of your interviews, articles or images on my home page?
Generally, no you can't. Since I made the interviews and wrote the articles, I think it's only natural that I want visitors to come to my pages to read them. However, if you would like to use portions of my material, like a quote or an image, please write to me first and specify exactly what you are interested in using, in what context you will be using it and where it will be published and I will reply a.s.a.p.

Q: Do you have the e-mail address for (this or that) artist?
I don't have e-mail addresses for the majority of the artists I have interviewed, but in the cases where I do, and he/she has clearly expressed that it is OK for me to put it on my web pages, I have done so.

Q: Do you have any recommendations for good, on-line, used vinyl or CD retail stores?
All the records in my collection (that I didn't buy when they first came out), were all bought in "real life" used record stores, flea markets, on record conventions, from mail ordering catalogues and so on. I can't recommend a specific site, since I've never shopped on-line myself. But a good place to start looking for records is GEMM (Global Electronic Music Marketplace). They claim to be the "world's largest catalog of music and combines catalogs of 2000 discounters, importers, collectors, labels, and artists for best prices and selection of new, used, hard to find, and out of print albums."

Q: I have been looking for (this or that) obscure, out-of-print record for ages and I think you have it. Could you record it onto a cassette tape for me?
My cassette deck broke about a year ago and I haven't bothered to replace it or have it repaired. I just don't play cassettes anymore. :-)
But if I have the record and the time, I might be able to help you out anyway, as I don't get that many of these requests.
Please note that I will not make copies of records that can be obtained from a store, only records that are out of print, i.e. can't be purchased any longer.
Send me an e-mail and I will let you know if I have the record and the time.

Q: Why don't you have Real Audio or MPEG Layer-3 (mp3) samples of (this or that) artist's music?
I would really like to have sound clips of every artist I feature on these pages too, but the problem is that it isn't legal (and even if the risk of getting caught is slim, I don't want risk getting in trouble). For the sound clips you'll find here, I have full permission from the original artist/writer, who also holds all the rights to the song.

Q: Do you have any MPEG Layer-3 (mp3) songs or midi files you can send to me?
No, I don't. 


� Maria Granditsky 1999.
All rights reserved.
No part of these pages may be reproduced or published without the prior written permission of the author. Do not save, link to, or in any way use the images on Miss Funkyflyy's Web Pages, without first obtaining a written consent from the Webmistress,
Maria Granditsky.

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